One Hundred Books
  Eighty-Ninth Book
When The Emperor Was Divine : Julie Otsuka
Anchor : 2002
Borrowed from Lori Saginaw

Started 10.23.06
Finished 10.25.06

The Line: "I stole your last bag of sugar. I took a swig from your best bottle of brandy. I pulled out the nails from your white picket fence and sold them to the enemy to melt down and make into bullets" (141).

It's strange how foolish
we are. Maybe it's justice.
Maybe it's just us.
  Eighty-Eighth Book
Florida : Christine Schutt
Harcourt : 2004
Bought at Strand Book Store for $1.00+

Started 10.18.06
Finished 10.22.06

The Line: "I drove on through the spattered light of fall, the warm, monied promise of it, the light's saying, Yes, it is possible: Purpose might find me and success might follow. My father could have been a poet; it is not absurd" (76).

Another reason
why I miss New York City
(it's my Florida).
  Eighty-Seventh Book
Ticknor : Sheila Heti
FSG : 2005
Bought at 7th Ave Books for $6.00+

Started 10.15.06
Finished 10.17.06

The Line: "I often go to the mirror when crying, to se how I might look. I wonder whether I'd have any sympathy for a man such as myself. Sometimes I feel I would, and it makes me cry even harder; other times I do not and it fills me with despair--well, then I weep more pitifully than before" (61).

Watched The Machinist
tonight and thought how Ticknor
could have played that part.
  Eighty-Sixth Book

You're A Bad Man, Aren't You? : Susannah Breslin
Future Tense : 2003
Bought at Powell's for $4.95+

Started 10.13.06
Finished 10.14.06

The Line: "She had envisioned something more like a dark car's quiet glide across the black ice of a nighttime street, the slow fall of a supine body into a hospital bed, the poetic righteousness of a personal eclipse among concentric circles of family members" (48).

I wish I could say
"midget porn" in twenty-one
different languages.
  Eighty-Fifth Book

SCUM Manifesto : Valerie Solanas
AK Press : 1996
Bought at Mercer Books for $2.95+

Started 10.12.06
Finished 10.12.06

The Line: "Eliminate men and women will shape up. Women are improvable; men are not, although their behavior is. When SCUM gets hot on their asses it'll shape up fast" (44).

Dear Santa, All I
want this year is to not love
crazy dead women.
  Welcome Back
Thank you, it's good to be here. Two months, sixteen books, game on.
One reader, one year, one hundred books.

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