One Hundred Books
Due to foreseen circumstances, One Hundred Books now enters a six-month sabbatical, wherein I will participate in a few other relevant projects. Much gratitude to those who have participated in One Hundred Books through donations and support, and big love to the readers who recommended books for the project. Please leave comments, book suggestions, and the PINs to your debit cards. We will reconvene right here in January 2006.

Thank you for your attention.
do you mean that you're/
driving around with davy/
and getting tattooed?
You are correct, ma'am.
I'll be gone for seven weeks
with my new tattoo.

(And I'll also be in your neighborhood too. Family brunch at the Porthole!)
might i enquire
which word you have been issued?
is that verboten?
I want to tell you,
but it could perhaps spoil the
end of the story.
but what if i die
the day after tomorrow?
you'll be sorry then.
Well that's another
story. Here's a hint: I've said
it twice already.
hooray for david
he got a really good word
from shelley jackson
You're hilarious.
When I go on tour this fall,
maybe you should come.
i'd love to, but my
neurosurgery practice
would suffer sans moi
Can't one of your kids
cover for you? Isaac's good
with a scalpel, right?
wow, great idea!
isaac's got a steady hand
and a bright head lamp.
I would trust your son
with a scalpel to my brain
if the need arose.

were I a zombie. (!!)
picture this: skinned knees,
nine year-old, kilt-wearing boy,
wielding a scalpel
With the soft sounds of
Lionel Richie's "Can't Slow
Down" in the background.
the calypso beat
of all night long just might be
a tad dangerous
All night long! (all night)
I want to poop back and forth
forever. (all night)
miranda july --
now you love her just as much
as i do, don't you?
Dear Lix Woodbury,
I don't think it's possible
to like her that much.
i beg to differ,
sir david "poop back and forth"
meiklejohn, esquire.
I'm sorry to say
so, but sadly it's true: I
love her less than you.

all right then, you win --
you take your slavoj zizek,
i'll take miranda.
You're a little off.
The cutest one of them all
is Slavoj's young bride.
i am not impressed
by long curly hair, my dear.
what's between her ears?
I believe that in
common parlance they would call
that a nose, my dear.
har de har har har!
david meiklejohn makes me
laugh so gosh durned hard!
Somewhere in your note
my dyslexia fooled me
and I saw "curdled."
my intent was not
to cause any curdling,
only to amuse.
And was I amused!
Like a hyena watching
Spongebob, I laughed so.
that's a nice image.
i'll keep it with me today,
and tomorrow too.
Hey, on a side note,
would you mind terribly if
I moved in next door?
that would no doubt be
a dream come wonderfully true;
got three hundred thou?
I do, but only
if I borrow against my
401K plan.
go for it -- invest
in maine real estate. you've still
got your stock options.
besides, then you could
drop by my house and borrow
a cup of sugar.
And while I'm at it
I could borrow one of your
three dozen children.
You know, the kids you
lock in your basement until
they promise to dig.
let's call it my own
special brand of homeschooling,
and leave it at that.
Knowing what I know
about your homeschool, I bet
you're a great teacher.
HEY. did you sneak down
into my basement with your
polaroid camera??
Recent Exposé!
Pried this note from the cold, dead
hands of a small child.
your link, though fancy,
leads to a "forbidden zone."
try it, and you'll see.
Methinks thee insane,
dearest Woodbury. Alas,
give this link a whirl.
well, um, gosh...i, uh...
that's very in-ter-est-ing,
as mark's mom would say.
She says more than that,
but we won't get into it,
unless you want to.
no, i don't want to.
especially not if it's
anything like this.
Now I have entered
the "forbidden corporate
firewall zone." Yoinks!
i guess that bear stearns
sort of has a pole up its
collective ass, huh?
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
I feel strange, like I
was caught watching scrambled Spice.
Does this mean no swears?
well, my pal charlotte
is quite cosmopolitan,
so don't feel too weird.
"Why do you think does
the author let David meet
such rich people?" Hmm...
"and why do you think
david cannot teach himself
to just simply smile?"
"girls 14 going
on 15, giggly girls with
long hair and sweet smiles."
dancing in public
in your underwear is not
dignified, says god.
Be careful where you
say such words: there's a pant-storm
on the horizon.
i'm starting to feel
i'm wasting your valuable
time, dearest pickle.
My time that you waste
is not so precious. Besides,
I'm getting paid, yo!
Love this!
Did you hear something?
I thought I read a haiku,
but it looks like not.
i heard but a drop
of rain in a still pool of
I may be wrong, but
isn't Ferrog a wizard
from Harry Potter?
yes, and giaro
is his little dwarf buddy --
you should read those books!
You don't know the joy
brought to my life by that cute
daschund. It wrecked me!
the "woodbury" on
that car is freaking me out...
as is the word "cute."
I still don't know
if that's even a daschund,
but it makes me laugh.
this gets worse and worse.
now i know what to get you
for christmas this year!
Oh, it can get worse.
FYI: I'd pay to see
Isaac ride a goat.
This couldn't wait, I
had to share this thrilling sight.
Can you say intense?
gosh darn it, david,
i've told you a thousand times;
put down that damn goat!
uh, david? hello?
are you investing in this
non-balsa timber?
wow -- it just vanished!
this "blog administrator"
is my kind of guy.
I can't leave for five
minutes without some robot
selling me lumber!
Oh dear. It seems that
someone desperately needs
to get out of work.
HEY, that's kinda mean;
what have i done to deserve
such hostility?
To lighten the mood:
Can you find the Meiklejohn
in this photograph?
i've searched and searched, but
i don't see a single one.
oh wait -- here you go!
While you were sleuthing
around in my childhood, I
found a dismal site.
let's analyze this:
a fascination with death,
specifically, mine...
I have another
fascination: untranslated
foreign commercials.
if you liked that one,
you should check out kabaya --
they're my favorites.
Weirdest! Site! Ever!
Noteworthy: guess who'll be in
Portland tomorrow?
please make your entrance
with that exact expression
glued upon your face.
Please excuse me if
I disappoint you with my
Mama face instead.
a little bird said
you're lurking around portland,
visiting bookstores.
apartment for rent in southern maine
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